Connect with the Screen Education Team

Discover ways of getting in touch with the Screen Education Team.

The Team

Find out more about Screen Scotland’s Screen Education team.

Discuss project funding

If you are interested in developing a project for one of our screen education funds, contact the Screen Scotland Screen Education Team by email: [email protected].

Teacher network

Screen Scotland also hosts a Microsoft Team within Glow, Education Scotland’s school intranet, with over 700 members from across the country.  This provides:

  • A networking space for educators who want to share ideas and resources about using film and screen in their classroom.
  • Online support from Screen Scotland's Screen Education Officer.
  • News of upcoming screen education events and CLPL opportunities across Scotland.
  • Weekly selected short films with recommended classroom resources to assist teaching.

Access the Team: Screen Scotland: Screen Education | Microsoft Teams

Please note you will need a Glow email to access this Team.

If you have any problems in accessing the page, please contact our Screen Education Officer: [email protected].